Dirk Bertels

The greatest malfunction of spirit
is to believe things (Louis Pasteur)

Vectors and Matrices


One important requirement when doing low-level (close to the Operating System) animation is a grounded knowledge of vectors and matrices. All objects drawn need to be mathematically defined in a 3-dimensional X-Y-Z space. The easiest way to accomplish this is by representing locations and directions with vectors and operations with matrices. Basic information on matrices can be found easily. My discussion assumes a basic knowledge of matrices and strays into the fields of

  • Normalisation
  • The meaning of Determinants and how to calculate them
  • The Cross product operation
  • The Dot product operation
  • Finding the Barycenter

Much of the illustration has been done using CAD. The text still needs to be worked on. It's strongest points are

  • A good grounding on vectors
  • Understanding the meaning of determinants
  • Clear method on how to calculate the determinant


Download the pdf document here (24 pages, 350 KB)


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